Overall Borderlands 2 is a great improvement on the original connecting with friends is far easier now that Steam has been fully integrated, even though it is still a little buggy when connecting initially. I guess since the story in the original was kinda of lacking it makes sense that it was easy to mold the two together. I know, I know they are sequels but GearBox didn't really set the first game up for having a sequel. They did a great job of melding the story of Borderlands with Borderlands 2. If you liked Borderlands you will find that this is a true sequel that lives up to the hype. About an hour in to the game you really want to kill Handsome Jack, and if you still think he is a cool dude by then you're pretty **** up. The humor is dark, although the story is a little more serious this time around. Controlling your character is far easier this time around as the control are much better developed for the PC. It is early on launch day yet it feels crisp and clean. Controlling your character is far easier Damn near perfect, even for a console port.

… Expandĭamn near perfect, even for a console port. Make new friends, arm them to the teeth and fight alongside them on your relentless quest for revenge and redemption. Choose one of the 4 new character classes to be taken through a carefully crafted and connected story to all new and surprising environments across the living planet of Pandora. Borderlands 2 features a new array of procedurally generated guns, shields, grenades, artifacts, enemies and more. Team up with up to 3 other players for 4-player online goodness or go old-school with 2-player split-screen couch sharing mayhem as you spend hours leveling up your character and equipping them with one of the millions of badass weapons. Team up with up to 3 other players for 4-player online goodness or go old-school with 2-player split-screen couch sharing mayhem as you spend hours leveling up your Borderlands 2 advances the distinct blending of FPS and role-playing genres to create an evolution of the Role Playing Shooter. Summary: Borderlands 2 advances the distinct blending of FPS and role-playing genres to create an evolution of the Role Playing Shooter.